Holly Tree - The Great Defender

The qualities of Holly are represented in Saturn-Mars joint planetary influence. As for Saturn it gives limits, it preserves and protects; for Mars it brings the energy, vitality and sharpness. Together the influences creates a defensive energy, somewhat like a Warrior-Guardian figure.

I have my own very special and magical encounter with the energy of the Holly Tree. It helped me to get rid off of some negative emotions, instantaneously. This article is homage to the one of the most respected Trees in Druidry.

Holly is best known for Yule/Christmas decorations. The custom reaches back the Roman times when people sent boughs of Holly along with other gifts to their relatives and friends during the festival of Saturnalia (held for several days before Winter Solstice). The country folk gathered young stems to feed the cattle during winter and it is believed the cows produced excellent milk in the result.

The infusion of dried leaves served as a substitute for tea. It was also used in chest infections and fever as it has diaphoretic and antibacterial properties. The juice of the fresh leaves is said to stop running nose when sniffed.
The wood of the Holly when freshly cut has a greenish hue but soon becomes white-ivory and its hardness makes it excellent to any other white wood. However if not well dried it can warp. Prized for ornamental ware and imitation of ivory and ebony (when dyed black).

Holly was often planted around the cultivated fields and pastures to keep the sheep and cattle in, and near the houses to protect from evil spirits. It can be easily trimmed to form thick hedges and can serve as a natural fencing (Mars-Saturn defensive qualities). As a magical barrier planted as a hedge around cementaries to protect from unwelcomed visits of the Dead.
In an Christian legend often symbolizes the Crown of Thorns, (the red berries representing the blood). According to Celtic mythology the tree is associated with the Holly King, personifying the waning forces of Nature, as he defeats The Oak King on the Summer Solstice and rules until the Winter Solstice. At this time he is depicted as an old man walking with the aid of a staff made from a Holly branch and wearing the wreath of Holly -very much like the Saturnian archetype.

During Christmas and New Year celebrations as remains of Pagan folklore in some parts of Europe the men would attach the branches and leaves of Holly and the women the leaves of Ivy and they would parade through the village, leading the old cycle of time into the new one. Those ceremonies were also associated with longevity as a form of fertility rites (Saturn meeting Mars). It is believed that a piece of Holly carried along brings good luck, especially for men. However the Druids advised to remove the Holly from the house before Imbolc (1-2 February), for to leave it inside that long could cause misfortune. Usually small branches from Yule celebration were hung outside the house, where they would continue to hold its protective qualities.

In Magic the wood of Holly can be useful as a wand or you may use infused leaves as 'Holly water' :) to sprinkle your household in charms of protection, safety and comfort.

George Knowles on his site controverscial.com says: In the ogham alphabet the Holly is called “Tinne”, derived from the word “tinder”, in association with the timber used in the fires of the old smithies. The wood of the Holly tree burns very hot and its charcoal was used to forge the swords, knives and tools necessary for (again) survival and protection. For this reason it is also associated with the element of fire."

It is also said that disputes are often solved "under the holly tree". It can help to dissolve infuriating feelings such as hate, jealousy, envy, anger and any form of social isolation. And it does.

Nowadays we enjoy, mostly during the winter months, what has the Hollywood industry produced...Holly has made the biggest career of the whole tree family...!

Instead of watching those murderous Hollywood productions you can try this Wicca charm to enhance dreams: Gather nine Holly leaves on a Friday after midnight, wrap in a red cloth, tie up with nine knots and place it under a pillow. And see what happens...