There is a unifying real pleasure in spreading the seeds across the land; 'unifying' because you take part in what Nature does, and you become her Agent.
As it seems, you may become a Secret Agent if you follow the organic design. The largest corporations dictate what we sow and what is grown.
As it seems, you may become a Secret Agent if you follow the organic design. The largest corporations dictate what we sow and what is grown.
They are taking over the market (now by 67 %) and they do 'things' to the seeds, ex. the plants are genetically modified or/and infertile - they do not produce seeds on their own - you've got to buy them, over and over, and you'll going to get them from those companies, of course.
Well of course not! There is a worldwide movement of 'seed groups' taking action to stop these greedy morons (sorry for the lightness of the world :). Another group of corrupted politicians prepares legislation which would allow corporations to get their hands on the whole market... We would live in a seed-totalitarian world, then. Cruel but true. And what they could do later on if we allow them just that?
So get activate and join the team of free people who want the seeds to be free too. It's not a joke; it's a dead-serious business. You find more options, solutions, activities on the internet (on what to do, and what may suit you). Here are some links:
You may at least dedicate yourself to buying the seeds from private eco-farmers or gardeners and start producing your own seeds every autumn for the future. It's easier then you think.