'Pagan' means rustic.
It's about topics related to the observance of Nature. It links the primary feelings of our human nature which connects us with the greater picture of the Nature and the Universe we live in ...all those marks of a happy villager, from which the word 'pagan' took its origin.
It's about value and awe in ancient traditions, without the influence of contradictory dogmas, controlled beliefs and vanity fair of self-imposed moral righteousness. It links the shadowy past with the present using archeology of the mind.
'Rod' is a tool of measurement.
It's probably the first scientific tool of humankind. In Neolithic times it served multiply purposes, mainly to establish the calendar upon the movement of celestial objects and erect astronomically-based architecture, and from all that - all kinds of human scientific endeavors.
Rod as a fishing rod, a divining rod, and lightning rod symbolically serves as a conductor of ideas for which we could 'go fishing'; we could dive into unseen 'energies', create as with a magician's wand; we could make enlightened guesswork, called inspiration or use simply as a stick - repulsing device to all that is threatening to our sense of truth, freedom and dignity - in terms of mind not fists - called criticism. Rod has a particular connection in Slavic languages (Polish 'ród'), meaning 'family', especially of a long lineage.