This story is quite the opposite. It puts American heroism in the wrong corner of the malignant war of the worlds. Bad guys turned up to be good ones. No, such black-and-white scenarios are only in those babyish movies. The reality is much more complex. Do not trust Russian politics. Do not give up entirely to the Western democracy. It is all capitalism, war of money and power.
Bolivian presidential airplane is hold down on the territory of the third party country (Austria) to panic-stricken search throughout for Edward Snowden. President Obama - cool as always (puppet master) - incorporates in his speech some little story about some little unimportant hacker who will do no good or evil. The spy who spies on spies - so we are told.
European Parliament is known to be spied on for hell knows how long by the NSA; huge businesses and national interests are being threatened by the possible leaks and possible control over them, and we all are being carefully watched by the Big Brother USA, where consequences are even hard to imagine. What for? Yeah - war on terror! Forgot, the globe is in the state of war, doesn't it?
And the most of the media coverage is so damn incompatible with what's going on. Hush! Don't say too much. Don't comment too much. Don't disturb the public. Everything is ok and soon we will forget the whole story. Just let them Americans, catch that bloody Snowden!
What about the average public person? I don't give a damn. Let them make their job, I just want my piece of the pie. Let me eat it and I will smile to you. The rest doesn't taste so good, its complicated so it does not matter.
In search of intelligence, Orwell, we salute you!