The mission of Vlierhof's members is to enhance consciousness and peace on Earth, and to be a place where people live in an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle with respect for nature.
They do it through living consciously in the present moment, learning to take responsibility for one's own actions, personal growth and development. On practical level they aim to become fully self-sufficient.
The community owns 3 hectare (6 acres) of land with farm buildings. They grow organic vegetables, have natural swimming pond, chickens, garden, a labyrinth and sauna, and the camping area.
Vlierhof is focused on healing and development of the consciousness. They run a "healing hotel" and a "care farm" offering various therapies for people with psychological problems, organize workshops, festivals and other events and aspire to open the International Center for Communication and Conciousness (ICCC).
This Dutch initiative started in late 1990's as a group of about hundred people who wanted to establish an eco-village based on spiritual values, called Ecodorp. In 2002 few people from that group decided to take action and bought a farm with a land in Keeken. Forming vision for their community they have taken into practice the ideas and experience of the Tamera community in Portugal.
Below interesting excerpt from their website:
To live together in a community demands energy and can, at times, be challenging. The work is ongoing and it can be difficult to stay centered whilst meeting the daily demands and priorities of the farm and the community as a whole.
Community members are not only relating to one person but to the whole community so a point of self-inquiry is often how to balance the needs of the individual and those of the community. Naturally, differences in opinion and conflicts can occur so it is important for people to take ownership of these and try to resolve them using various techniques of communication.
There is five permament residents; usually fifteen to twenty people stay there (guests and volunteers from all over the world).
They looking for new community members as they plan to have about fifteen permament residents in the future. They speak English, Dutch and German.
Visit Vlierhof website if you want to learn more.