Mythology timeless worth: Exercise your imagination

In any human habitat there are myths, no exceptions. Every community, every society, every sub-culture has its own myths. Why do we need them?

Many would answer: as ethical teaching, passing on knowledge (in a zipped formula), or simply for creative entertainment.

Vlierhof: Intentional Eco-Community

Vlierhof is a small, yet very active intentional community, located in the German village Keeken, near the Dutch border.

The mission of Vlierhof's members is to enhance consciousness and peace on Earth, and to be a place where people live in an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle with respect for nature.

Own country: Damanhur Federation

Damanhur is a community and organization established in the 1970s. It's 'headquarter' is located in northern Italy, in the foothills of the Alps.

The community has its own constitution, schools, businesses, organic supermarkets, vineyards, farms, daily newspaper and even their own currency, the Credito.

New life-style: Global Ecovillage Network

Eco-Villages represent a new trend in the Western World. They are sustainable communities inhabited by like-minded people.

They offer new solutions to healthy life-style. Simple principles based on ecology and new technologies, are the next logical step beyond the industrial age.

Lughnasadh - Lammas: the Shining One Celebration

Lammas, Lughnasadh or the Irish - LĂșnasa (which is apparently the name of the entire month of August) comes in the middle of the Summer season. Halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere, it is an ancient Pagan Festival of the deity of harvest, light and skillfullness.

Imperia: Lust, Money & Power

In 1993 the town of Konstanz (Southern Germany) was flushed by the controversy under which a new statue was about to be erected.

The sculpture by Peter Lenk, depicts courtesan called Imperia - her breast and leg exposed, her arms raised, her hands holding a king and a pope, both naked...

Climate change: the fall of Bronze Age civilizations explained

Another research has confirmed: an abrupt climate change caused the decline of city dwelling civilizations of the Indus Valley.

Around 1700 BCE most of the mega-cities were abandoned leaving the cultural and economic output of over a millenium, behind.

Un-Intelligence search for terror and traitor
Edward Snowden left his family, his girlfriend, considerable salary and bright future to become the first worldwide whistleblower persona. Scenario played out before our eyes. It has not been seen in any of the Hollywood movies, as they usually are a bit dumb, and exaggerated.

War in Syria: Battle of Aleppo

The largest city in Syria has experienced from mid July 2012 an ongoing battle, called also the Mother of All Battles.

At the background of the fighting rage are spread the remains of one of the oldest, continually inhabited cities in the world.

People from Aztlan: Ancient Atlantis?

8 August 2012
Unprecedented burial site of a young woman surrounded by piles of human bones was found in Mexico City's Templo Mayor.

It is the most sacred site of the one-time Aztec capital.

Journey in Time: Gold of ancient Greeks - dream-come-true

The incredible discovery of the Mycean civilization is one of the most amazing stories in history.

It is a tale about a man with heroic vision who decided to set on a journey through space and time. It is a story about an unreal dream turning real.

Seeds of the future: Who owns the seeds?

There is a unifying real pleasure in spreading the seeds across the land; 'unifying' because you take part in what Nature does, and you become her Agent.

As it seems, you may become a Secret Agent if you follow the organic design. The largest corporations dictate what we sow and what is grown.

Nicolas Poussin: the Art of Myth and Reason

Nicolas Poussin, one of the most venerated French painters of all time, gained recognition during his lifetime by re-establishing the link with Antiquity and Renaissance.

At the same time his creations were in the spirit of the forthcoming Age of Enlightenment.

Venus Figurines: Well fed prehistoric Goddess

One of the ideas behind the passion for prehistory is the jaw-dropping, gigantic space of time between the dawn of agriculture, some 8,000 years ago, and first modern human appearance in Europe, 30,000 - 35,000 years  ago.

Of cave living, hunting-gathering, and... one religion. All over the continent.

Sources: Corpus Hermeticum

Corpus Hermeticum was lost to the Western world in the Medieval times, and had been rediscovered in the Medici court, translated by Marcilio Ficino, and then popularized.

The text is a foundation of the Hermetic tradition and major force behind the origin of Renaissance culture and revival of pagan thought of the classical times.

Octavio Ocampo: Metamorphosis

Born in Mexico in 1943, educated at the Fine Art Institute, Mexico City and the San Francisco Art Institute, he has developed his own metamorphic style using a technique of superimposed image - figures and other details are carefully design within the paintings.

If you look at them closely, hidden images will emerge.

Hippocrates - On Airs, Waters and Places

Hippocrates of Cos, Father of Medicine, (ca. 460 BC to ca. 370 BC) lived in the age of outstanding philosophers. He found a prominent place in our modern world, thanks to his revolutionary thoughts in medicine:

An illness is not a punishment inflicted by sin or gods but an outcome of unhealthy habits, including diet, and unfavorable environmental factors.

Ancient weather system: Gods over water

According to Iliad the world was divided between three ruler-gods: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades

This is an echo of how the ancients had seen the world, consisting of three basic, visible elements: sky, sea, and earth. They all distribute water, and thus weather.

Homeric Hymn to Pan (fragments)

Muse, tell me about Pan, the dear son of Hermes, with his goat's feet and two horns -- a lover of merry noise.  

Through wooded glades he wanders with dancing nymphs who foot it on some sheer cliff's edge, calling upon Pan, the shepherd-god, long-haired, unkempt.

The Tree, the Serpent, the Man and Woman

If you could see the well-known image of Adam and Eve under the Tree - for the very first time, in its purest form - as it is, without knowing its common interpretation and having some knowledge in the symbolism, at the same time: What would you see?

A scene of fertility or some obscene sin?

Origins of Merlin, a wizard archetype

The legendary wizard, featured as the King Arthur's mentor was created out of several historical and legendary figures.

He symbolizes the knowledge, and today can be seen as a comprehensive father-figure, having the ability to lead and inspire.

Silver treasure from Pagan Europe: Gundestrup Cauldron

The Gundestrup Cauldron dated to around first century BC is one of the finest examples of Iron Age archeological artifacts found in Europe.

Discovered, in Denmark in 1891, dismantled, it arranges the map of Pagan Europe in a new light.

Josephine Wall's Enchanted Art

To become a painter was her destiny. The richness and abundance of light and colours in her paintings is fairy-like. She says: It is an all consuming obsession and a love of colour and form. In fact, if I am away from my easel for too long I become restless and anxious to paint again.

The fine art of Gundestrup Cauldron

The plates are made of silver, depicting various motifs of human figures, animals and plants. Each of the seven external plates follow symetrical pattern, showing human busts: four males with upraised arms and three females.

Holly Tree - The Great Defender

The qualities of Holly are represented in Saturn-Mars joint planetary influence. As for Saturn it gives limits, it preserves and protects; for Mars it brings the energy, vitality and sharpness. Together the influences creates a defensive energy, somewhat like a Warrior-Guardian figure.